Bishop Dr. Omroy Miller


Bishop Dr. Omroy V. Miller is the International Presiding Bishop of Sozo Ministries International. He provides spiritual covering for 6 churches between the Caribbean and the UK. Bishop Miller was credentialed as a Minister and a Bishop within the New Testament Church of God, where he served as an active member from the age of 11. During his 30+ years within the organisation, Bishop Miller served in various areas of ministry, covering: Youth Leader, Sunday School Superintendent, Prayer Coordinator, National Youth Camp Coordinator, National Board for Christian Education and he was responsible for the welfare of guest ministers at national events. Additionally, he served as an assistant to the National Overseer and participated in the planning of national events. He has been married to Rev Dr Lurliene for 36 years; they have three adult children, two boys and one girl, who are all active workers within the church and ministry. In 2001, in order to broaden the scope of his work in Christian ministry, Bishop Miller, with his family, moved into independent ministry and have subsequently planted 8 churches, including Sozo Ministries. Church planting/church growth is an aspect of ministry for which he feels a strong sense of call. Academically, Bishop Miller achieved a Diploma in Christian Counselling, a degree in Theology (B.Th.), a Master’s Degree in Social Work and Counselling (MSc), and a Doctorate Degree in Christian & Secular Counselling and Pastoral Studies (D.Th). He is a qualified Professional Counsellor and a Counsellor Trainer and is the joint founder and President of Miller’s Counselling and Training Services (MCTS). He is also the founder of F4U (Freedom For You) and GEES (God’s Emergency End-Time Soldiers). Bishop Miller is a member of the International Council of Pentecostal Bishops and member of the Board of UK Bishops for the Joint Council of Churches for All Nations (JCCAN). He is Dean, Vice Chancellor and Professor of Academic Studies for MTOBIS UK (Theological seminary) and is an Ambassadorial International Chaplain. Bishop Miller is an international itinerant minister, having ministered in Australia, the USA, Caribbean, Africa and Europe. He provides guidance, counselling and ecumenical services to other independent ministers. Bishop Miller is a Leader, Preacher, Teacher and Counsellor, who operates within the prophetic anointing and strongly promotes the Lord’s ministry of healing and deliverance. Bishop Dr Miller is a man sold out to the Christian ministry; his aspirations for the future is to see more of God’s power displayed and he desires to see the members of the Body of Christ experience ‘complete freedom’ in every area of their lives. His motto is: ‘complete freedom for you’.

Executive Board Members

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